I was under the impression that as I grew older, I would eventually become immune to the effects of alcohol. Everyone knows a story about some alcoholic that can kill a bottle of whiskey by noon, and still somehow be even keel. (not that I aspire to be that way, but whatever) On the contrary my alcoholic tolerance peaked right around the Spring of my Senior year. Presumably this is because when you go out 5-6 nights a week for 4 years straight and average on a pretty hard night 25-30 drinks, one would build up a pretty solid resistance to the "side-effects" if you will. In college I never woke up with hangovers, never took a night off and pretty consistently made it to class. I wouldn't even do anything in class other than text people and play brickbreaker but I'm convinced that all you have to do to achieve moderate success in college is just show up. That's neither here nor there though, what I want to discuss today is the phenomenon of the 48 hour hangover.
It's not like I stopped drinking when I graduated. I pretty much did nothing for the next 6 months but drink. Even when I was forced to get a job and moved here I had about a 12 month honeymoon phase that had me going strong wednesday-sunday. But right around the time I turned 23 it started getting harder. Shots didn't go down as easy as they once did. 3 morning cups of coffee turned into 13. I have spent 4 of my sick days the past 12 months on Mondays following an epic Saturday binge. I almost did it today after passing out at about 7pm. What is happening to me? I used to fly to vegas for the weekend and drive straight to work after rocking the Sunday night red-eye. These aren't your average "omg my head hurts" these are like I have a small bomb in my brain that was just detonated, my eyes are melting from the inside out and someone is performing Chinese water torture on my neck, KILL ME NOW. I just wanted to write a short 500 words today to let you know that I'm not invincible. I sat on the couch for 12 hours yesterday without moving. I watched all of Season 1 of the Wire and drank 6 gallons of water without eating once. Today I physically couldn't operate at work. I simply walked back and forth from the coffee pot, to my desk. Thankfully I am about 1 hour from the time I stopped drinking on Saturday. Another 48 hours has come and gone. Looks like I could be ready for trivia night tomorrow after all.
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