The internet really is just a rabbit hole that can take you in any direction you desire. We've all gone on that Youtube binge until four in the morning or attempted to read every single article ever posted on Sometimes I will find myself at a Japanese torture porn website or I will find instructions on how to make a dirty bomb on Totse and not even know how I got there (I hope that reference doesn't put me on an FBI watch list, there was a rumor in the late 90's that anyone who downloaded the anarchist cook book was automatically added, but honestly how else was I supposed to figure out the ingredients for a Drano bomb.)
Rarely though do I ever read random blogs. Usually I find them just painful, especially if they are about a newborn or about how much someone loves their husband. But then again none of these people put a gun to your head and force you to read, so if that's how they decide to fill their time for 7pm - midnight, who am I to judge.
The more I read, the more I found that I have just been seeing the world in black and white. These blogs are fucking beautiful, and colorful, and they have all these cool layouts and suggest other blogs you might like...and then sometimes those blogs like you back and you post each other's shit, it's like this big fucking lovefest on the blog network, some memo I missed when I was busy preaching about why blacking out at noon is ok or something stupid like that. No one links to this blog, but that's probably because I've alienated almost everyone at this point, but they'll come around.
There is something called Pinterest, that is just a collection of cool stuff. Nice plants, art, food recipes, inspirational quotes...whereas my room in Encino looks like this:
Now let me give you an idea of what is going on in that picture. That is my plain ass desk that I sit at and work on my drug novel, my blog about an empty lifestyle of non-stop partying and occasionally send after hours work emails...One would think that this exact piece of furniture was in Heath Ledger's apartment when he was learning to method act the role of The Joker. Situated on that desk you will see (not all is visible) an empty bottle of 2 buck chuck and a couple empty beer cans called Simpler Times ($1.99/6 pack) There is also a stick of degree, a small bottle of Lawry's, the only piece of mail I've received since I've been out here (it's a singing card) and a copy of The Red Bulletin (The Redbull lifestyle magazine)
Pretty fucking depressing. Furthermore I sleep on a mat using a blanket as a pillow and a sheet as a blanket...prisoners live better than this. And this whole time I'm thinking, whatever, I'm in Cali, I just sleep here. Give me a solid internet connection and some Hulu I can lay on that mat for hours. Or so I thought, until I started seeing all these beautiful food blogs, and fashion design sites. Usually I get all jacked up about how hard I'm going to rage on a pay day Friday, but really, I've come to the realization that I have no assets. Sure I've got better memories than most, there's surely something to be said about that, but I have a bunch of empty white walls in my room and that makes me sad. Don't they put insane people in white rooms? I'm tired of blowing paychecks to rent alcohol only to piss it out 3 hours later and spend my hangover in my dungeon of discomfort.
I would like to applaud all the boring blogs out there with your abundance of pretty pictures, and shopping tips at CB2. I think about $200 in linens, perhaps a nice plant, a lava lamp and some retro posters could turn this hostel I live in, into something of a suitable home. Now that's not to say that I am going to change my midweek activities of either drinking a six pack or a bottle of wine and working on my writing...but I think it would just seem a little less pathetic if I kicked it up to some micro brew or a non 8 quarter bottle of wine, and from the comfort of a lazy boy perhaps, not this wooden thing that came from the one-room school house in Corydon, IN.
And once I have a cactus in here and perhaps a real mattress I will probably resume harassing people who take pictures of their cookies fresh out of the oven and link to cute wedding photography blogs. But for now, I would like to take the time to thank you for showing me the light...because there is more to internet blogging than attempting to type yourself 1000 words closer to the fountain of youth.
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