It's a vicious cycle you see. People get hammered on Sundays because they don't want to give up on the weekend. You've still get a chance to have fun one more day before you get raped by the brutal realities of the world for 5 consecutive days before the next brief reprieve the following Friday. This in turn adds to a lack of sleep, complete lack of preparation for the week and general dread that leaves me unable to sleep on Sunday evenings. I find myself often making deals with myself at 5 oclock in the morning on Monday morning, "Well, I'll just lay here for another 2 hours and then I'll get in the shower." I pray for time to slow down so I can just stay in bed forever.
And then you blink and its fucking 7:30 and you are running late.
But then it's Monday night. You survived. Ya, you would have preferred to lay in bed all day but you survived work and now you get to do all the lazy shit that you should have done Sunday before you decided to go to a Superbowl party and play 6 consecutive hours of Civil War shouting that the South will rise again. But what really happens is you get home at 7 o clock and say "fuck that" I'm laying on the couch for 4 hours and then going to bed.
And this is why laundry never gets done.
Sometimes I'm even too lazy to watch TV, I'll just set my twitter timeline to refresh every 2 minutes or so and stare at the screen. I could be writing a fun short or pumping iron at the gym or god forbid shopping for an actual bed no. I'm a 25 year old who lives on a mattress with 1 fitted sheet and a body pillow. That's quality living right there.
Anyway sorry about the rant. You will notice a few changes, I'm working on a better layout, and there is now a mobile version for those of you who can't read on your work computer now the interface for reading whilst you visit the bathroom should be a tad bit more accommodating.
I'm also going to post some other content on here. Believe it or not, I may be writing for some other publications in the near future and sometimes I write little shorts that I would like to share with the world. So if you are just here for the "fucks" and the commitment to staying 19 forever, I apologize in advance. But to everyone else, pat yourself on the back. You survived Monday and tomorrow is the 6th best day of the week!
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