Friday, June 27, 2014

Single Dude Podcast

When I was 18 years old I went to all of my high school's hockey games. I didn't know a thing about the game, but my friends were on the team and the Fishers Forum was a great place to secretly publicly drink. I would sit in the back row with some of my pals and some of the rowdier dads and just scream at the opposing team. I mean we are talking Randy Quaid from Major League level heckling. I went to a very conservative private school, but it was hockey after all, so this behavior was certainly a grey area. Most of the Indiana teams we would absolutely wreck. We were rich kids who grew up with plenty of fancy equipment and money for ice time, and our opponents were the equivalent of a pre-Bombay Mighty Ducks. Every team except for one, those bastards from Carmel.

On the surface, Carmel stands for everything I used to believe in; lots of conservative wealthy white people, doing conservative wealthy white things. But because Carmel was the "other" rich neighborhood in Indianapolis, and the "other" big school in which a bunch of white kids inexplicably excelled at athletics, I was conditioned to hate them.

And hate them I did.

But there was one motherfucker that I hated more than any of them. His name was Dan Karlander and he would absolutely wreck our hockey team. All these rumors swirled around that he had taken a 5th year of high school to try to win a state title or that he was snorting ground up deer antlers to gain an edge on Cathedral hockey. I would find out years later at an Alpha Chi formal in St. Louis that he was actually just a sweet fucking dude.

(Side note: There is this crazy bond that you form with other dudes you meet at a girl's formal. Especially if you are in the same block of rooms. I don't know what it is about dude strangers in a new city going on a liquor run that makes them immediate best friends, but I've seen it hundreds of times. The budding bromances are the reason that by senior year there will be a party with 8 guys from 8 different frats ripping shots together while groups of sorority girls uncomfortably stare across the room at each other.)

But anyway, while sipping some whiskeys at the Embassy Suites in St Charles, MO (yes this was a fuck-up by the AXO social chair) Dan told me about the funniest thing I had ever heard. He told me about the word FROT.

Frotting sometimes called "docking" is when two males rub their dicks together in a form of safer non penetrative sex.  (Click that link, it's the greatest wikipedia page of all time) I imagine it is roughly the homosexual equivalent to just the tip. And while there is nothing inherently funny about two males expressing their love for one another, I did find it ironic that FROT was so extremely close to the word FRAT, and that the chief criticism of fraternity members was the fact that they were closeted homosexuals that paid for their friends.

The formal was lovely, I toured the Budweiser plant, stepped on a broken champagne bottle in the hot tub, and spent the rest of the trip on my back with my date trying to extract shards of glass from my foot.

Years went by of course, I graduated from college, moved to Los Angeles, and I no longer think it's an impressive fate to own a half million dollar home in Hamilton county.

I haven't thought about that trip to Missouri in probably 5 years, until I was thinking about starting a podcast. Well, I've decided it's a go.

The Single Dude Podcast will be recorded weekly with a guest, we will talk about why we moved to Los Angeles, what we're trying to do, how we get there and shit we're doing along the way. I hope the podcast will be an entertaining look at a view from the bottom. Obviously most guests on podcasts have achieved fame and are looking back on their past when they discuss their story, by interviewing a bunch of my buddies who are still near the bottom, it's a more real view of what that looks like on the way up.

Of course, the other half will be fucking around and talking about life in LA and the shit that we like to do. But what I'm really looking for is help.

I have no clue what I am fucking doing. With this blog, with my life and now especially with this podcast. At least on here, I just write down some crap and press publish and it's out there. But as there is an evolving yet wildly inconsistent message with this blog (I'm going to try to be more positive...FUCK THAT high waisted jeans are retarded!) I am going to try to stick to some sort of format with this podcast.

I'll record a few episodes and I'll hope that I start to find my groove eventually, and I hope you'll be patient with it. I just bought some recording equipment off of Amazon Prime and hopefully my brain isn't too fried to figure it out.

However, I am seeking feedback.

You can reach me the following ways.

Twitter: @davidbroeller
You can YO! me, You can LinkedIN message me, You can leave a tip at a place I visit a lot on foursquare, you can comment on one of my instagram photos, you can send me a snap chat of your feedback THUS DESTROYING ALL EVIDENCE THAT YOU EVER SENT IT. You can call me, text me, leave notes on my car.

Who do you want me to talk to? What kind of stuff are you interested in hearing about? Do you have questions that you want me to answer on the podcast or in this blog (I'll make you anonymous)
Do you have software/hardware recommendations? Is there a better name than Single Dude Podcast.

Oh, I should probably pay off the overlong intro. I thought Frotcast would be a really funny name for a podcast, but I did a little searching and a movie blog I read is already using it.

I know this blog, my Facebook/Twitter is an exercise in indulgence. I say lots of controversial things and it's hard to divide schtick from reality. I promise, this podcast will be real-ish. So give me a few weeks to get it going and then check it out and see if it's for you. I have no experience and will likely crash and burn, but then again, who thought I would still be blogging nine years after I got back from Florence or after I was fired for writing preposterous shit like this?

No, I pressed on. I take breaks now and again, but the truth is I really like doing this. I'm sure some day I'll look back on all of this and be like MY GOD WHAT WAS I THINKING. I mean that link from May of 2010 up there is pretty damning, yet I press on. Maybe I'll cobble a few pieces of this together as a memoir some day, or maybe it will reflect my character arc as I attempt to navigate this crazy journey called life. But now there will just be a new wrinkle to everything, as I introduce you to the interesting people that are kind of along for the ride with me. And hopefully some of the people you hear on this podcast will be the movers and shakers of tomorrow...well at least one of them so I can ride their coat tails to the top.

The Single Dude podcast is a go.

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